Career Services Center
Special Events
Is graduate school in your future?
Graduate and Professional Schools Day is a service to junior, senior, and graduate students who contemplate further study upon their graduation from Jackson State. This event occurs every September.
Having difficulties with your job search?
Fall Career Fair is an event designed for all Jackson State University students and seeks to familiarize them with various professions and career fields through face-to-face interaction with representatives of the private and public sector job markets.
Do you want to challenge young minds?
Teacher Recruitment Day is designed to allow school systems from across the nation to interview prospective Teacher Education graduates for job openings in their respective schools. This event occurs every Spring (March or April).
Looking for an internship or Full-time job opportunity?
Spring Career Fair is designed to familiarize students with internship opportunities within their chosen majors. This event occurs every February.
Do you want to beat your competition with winning table manners?
Business Etiquette Dinner is an event which students are served a five course meal while learning proper table manners and appropriate behavior in a business setting.
For a listing of upcoming events click here.